the winnER of the 2007 NFl seaSOn will be teH chicago bears.
yeaS you heard it hERe first.
how dO i kNWO thiS?
i plAYEd a seaSOn of MAddEn 2008, on eASY mode, and beAt Teh baLtimORe ravEns in tEh supERboWl, 77-3 , wiTHoUT brEaking a sweAt.
clearly, i wZAs the bettEr team.
in all sERoisuness,my preDictioNs foR te seaSAon. do nOT underestimAte the hawk; in two of the last three seaSOns, i hAVE correctly predicted the supEr bowL winNEr. yeS, my early pICks foR laSt yEARs comebaCk plaYUer of the yEAr FreddIE mITchell ANd Defensive plAYer oF the year teRrEll oWens maY have beeN prematURe, buT this is a new season.
Super Bowl winner: San Diego
Super Bowl loser: Chicago
Dark Horse: Denver
From what I have seen San Diego has too much talent to simply blow off on the assumption that new coaching will dramatically alter the team. Norv Turner is smart enough to see there's a good thing going here. No major losses over the offseason, another year of experience off a 14-2 season, quite possibly the best offensive weapon in the league, great O and D lines, and lets not forget a hunger after falling in the playoffs last year to the Patriots. San Diego had me at first instinct, and I'm sticking to it.
Some will assume a bias pick, however if this were true I'd say Chicago would be your Superbowl winner this year. All the elements are here for a return to the final, a much more intense offense, that sturdy, cruel Bears defense, a great O line, and a special teams unit unmatched in the league.
I see a challenger arising in the NFC West this year, but something tells me it will be the Broncos that will be the team that no one sees coming that fights its way into the playoffs. Cutler looks to have a more effective year with a number of weapons at his disposal, and the defense won't be giving up much with Lynch, Bailey, and now Bly in the deep. More predictions:
San Diego
New England
Wild Cards:
Most Improved:
Dropping off:
New York
New Orleans
Wild Cards:
San Francisco
Most improved:
Dropping off:
Great predictions brother. I think Chicago will be great this year, but they will eventually have to address the QB issue. They cannot expect the Defense to continue winning games after Rex throws 20 interceptions and has 10 fumbles.
That wild card in the AFC has got me a bit wobbly, I'm back and forth on Cincinnati or Pittsburgh there. I think it will end up as an AFC North team. Otherwise I like the way things look.
Grossman. There's no hiding it, all Chicago fans and sports writers are very well aware of it. If there ever was an instant we weren't, it was crammed down our throats by the media nonstop last year and already by Tony Kornheiser this year (who hasn't thrown a football beyond that Nerf to his kids, and, some could argue, doesn't do his own job very well).
The bad games last year will not suffice. The poor play against Indianapolis this preseason will not work. There are NAMES on that Chicago defense. But talent won't cut it when the other team starts with the ball in our field. That happened WAY too much.
I like Grossman because the team backs him up. They say he's the best quarterback they've been behind. He's a tool, but a likeable tool.
I think we'll see how these first few games go. Keep in mind BND, this is the last year of his contract. The Bears made the right move in not signing him back, it shows they mean business and he's playing for his life now.
Rex has to begin not fumbling snaps. This kid can be an idiot sometimes!
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