Thursday, September 06, 2007

ken haWk's WeeK 1 pICks

I liK teh chEeRlEadERS AN d teh buTTs i wiSh they hAd the cheeRlAeder coloRing boOks And tEh rEmake of 3 ninjas high noOn on mega mouNTain.
KEns wife is takinG the Raven t go To the supEr boWl, and i say thats a dAmn good piCk. but i picked teh blackhaWks, despite everyonE tellIng me They're noT even in fOotball.
kens wEek 1 picks:
Indianapolis > New Orleans
Philadelphia > Green Bay
Minnesota > Atlanta
Miami > Washington UPSET
New England > New York J
Jacksonville > Tennessee

Denver > Buffalo
Pittsburgh > Cleveland

St Louis > Carolina
Houston > Kansas City
Seattle > Tampa Bay
San Diego > Chicago
Detroit > Oakland UPSET
Dallas > New York G
Baltimore > Cincinnati
San Francisco > Arizona


BigNewsDay said...

I think those are great picks. I think that Tennessee is going to take the Jacksonville and I will pick the Bengals over the Ravens (tell your wife I said sorry.)

spartachris said...

Ten / Jack was the game I was back and forth on all night. Wife says Ten, and yeah I would like to see them win.
Bengals to the Super Bowl BND?
Yeah, a lot of people look at me and tell my wife "sorry".

BigNewsDay said...

I'm really expecting the Bengals to well this year. Palmer is a great quarterback who I believe was still playing injured last year. I don't know if they will make it to the big dance, but I do expect them to make the second or third rounds of the playoffs.

spartachris said...

The NFL is such a competitive, evolving league, its anyones guess who's going to come up with the prize, really. In the AFC alone, you look at the obvious contenders in New England, San Diego, Indianapolis, but there's a handful ready to step up and fight for those wild cards.
I'd say there's potential in Cincinnati, but I have my doubts on the running game and that defense that gave up a good chunk of yards last year. Palmer had a bad stretch where he couldn't hold onto the ball last year, I think this will change.
There's a lot of things going right here, I'd say they are a legit contender in the AFC. Let's see if they can keep everyone out of the pokey this year.

Lefty Metalhead said...

I'll never count out my Bears, even if the mighty Tomlinson will be running against us!