Thursday, August 24, 2006

White Sox 10 , Tigers 0!

Oh yes, the Pale Hose are playing well these days. Tame them Tigers Ozzie!


BigNewsDay said...

It' about damn time the sox won a game.

Just kiddin' Bro!

spartachris said...

An absolute spanking.

Whoa there Tex, speaking of "about time" whats with this new guy in your camp down there... um... whatshisname.... Terrell Owens?

I kid, hes a real inspiration to me. Yesterday I told my supervisor I was at 80 percent and went home.

BigNewsDay said...

I hear ya dude. I can't believe we hired this a**hole. We had K.J., who had is own problems, but nothing like T.O.'s total lack of work ethic. I don't think the Tuna is going to put up with much of his crap.

spartachris said...

Agreed. Now, I realize that my profession exists on an entirely different plane. I also understand what its like to be an athlete; when you have problems, you have to take them seriously. This is football, but even simple exercise, jogging, etc. can be really dangerous if you don't have good knowledge on what you're actually doing.
So, take his 80 percent(or whatever it was) comment any way you wish.
My problem with T.O. is solely this attitude. Throwing your teammates under the bus. The lack of respect. The other day I saw a clip of him saying "if they want to see me play theres 10 years of footage of that".
Play or not, there will always be a void. But then you don't miss respect if you never had it, right?