Thursday, January 09, 2014

NFL Division Weekend Picks

Picture is BS. Can tell you from experience if you ever make it into the Colts cheerleaders locker room they don't stop to pose and look cute, they go straight for the face.
BND (0-0, 147-109)
SPARTACHRIS (3-1, 162-98 )
Seattle > New Orleans
Indianapolis > New England
Carolina > San Francisco
Denver > San Diego


Crymson Flower said...

not that I did very good last week but...

Seattle > New Orleans
New England > Indianapolis
San Francisco > Carolina
Denver > San Diego

BigNewsDay said...

Sorry, I missed a week, and almost missed this one. The Aints are already getting stomped, so I will just pick the other three games.

New England > Indianapolis
San Francisco > Carolina
Denver > San Diego