Tuesday, April 05, 2011



BigNewsDay said...

cool jams, but why is everyone standing on the wall?

spartachris said...


There's a pretty large group of friends from Chicago who, a few years ago, started renting out a VFW for parties, and some of the geezers get up and play some tunes.

The sons of some of the guys were invited to a slot, and that's my buddies and myself. We have been playing covers and our own originals for years, but due to school/jobs/etc, we eventually moved apart. When this show comes up it's a chance to jam again.

We did some metal and some hard rock. Amy took video of us finishing our set and I wanted to get it up for the guys to see. Long story short, we are backed up against a couple lottery machines, which the audience was nice enough not to use while we were playing.

Hope this is alright. I will be taking it down in a while.

Go White Sox.

BigNewsDay said...

It's all good brother. This site is just as much yours as it is mine, and I enjoyed the video. Feel free to add whatever you like to this site or the bnd blog.

Go Rangers ;)